Engaging Talent
Employee engagement is an often discussed HR term with an elusive definition. It’s one of those things HR professionals feel the need to be involved with because it sounds so important, even as many struggle to define why it’s important. It’s the fact that high levels of employee engagement is a fundamental characteristic of all successful organizations that mandates it become a strategic HR priority. The challenge then is to determine (survey) how engaged your employees are and figure out what to do with unsettling results. What does one do if an engagement survey shows that over half of your employees are disengaged? Indeed, many national and worldwide surveys over the years yield a steady result which says roughly half of all employee groups are “not fully engaged” in their day-to -day work. Interestingly, this statistic also includes executive level staff.
In our upcoming webinar “Engaging Talent”, John Farner of Kushner & Company will explain why the impulse to urgently “fix” a disturbing engagement survey is actually treating the symptom instead of working on the cure. The heart of employee engagement is business leaders and employees joining together as partners in business growth. Employee engagement isn’t about individual attitudes or opinions, it’s about collective productivity in a supportive culture. If you know how to hire and retain employees who are attracted to this type of work environment, you’re making great strides toward a fully engaged workforce. Our presentation will explore how to positively utilize employee engagement surveys and results to re-frame your strategic approach to talent acquisition and performance management.